
Are you ready to join the Dealique community and experience secure, hassle-free transactions? Signing up on Dealique is a straightforward process that allows you to explore a world of safe and reliable online buying and selling. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through the easy process of creating your Dealique account.

Step 1: Visit the Dealique Sign-Up Page

To get started, open your web browser and go to the Dealique sign-up page here.

Step 2: Fill in Your Personal Information

On the sign-up page, you’ll fill a simple form that requires you to enter your personal information. This includes:

  • Name: Enter your first name in the first name field and surname in the surname field.
  • Email Address: Provide a valid email address that you have access to. This will be used for account-related notifications.
  • Referral Code: Enter referral code of your referrer but if you’re signing up with their referral link, you do not need to fill this
  • Phone Number: Provide a valid phone number.
  • Password: Create a strong and secure password for your Dealique account. Make sure it includes a mix of letters, numbers, and special characters for added security.

Step 3: Agree to the Terms and Conditions

Before you can proceed, you’ll need to agree to Dealique’s Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. Take a moment to read through these documents to understand your rights and responsibilities as a Dealique user.

Step 4: Verify Your Email

After completing the sign-up form and agreeing to the terms, you’ll receive an email from Dealique containing a verification link. Click on the link to verify your email address. This step is crucial to activate your account and ensure you receive important notifications.

Step 5: Set Up Your Profile

Once your email is verified, you can log in to your Dealique account. Take a moment to complete your profile by adding a profile picture and any additional information you’d like to share. A complete profile helps build trust within the Dealique community.

Step 6: Start Exploring Dealique

Congratulations! You are now a registered Dealique user. You can start exploring the platform, and initiating secure transactions. Whether you’re a buyer or a seller, Dealique offers a safe and reliable environment for all your online transactions.

Additional Tips:

  • Security: Keep your login credentials confidential and never share your password with anyone.
  • Notifications: Ensure that you have email notifications enabled so you don’t miss any important updates regarding your transactions..
  • Contact Support: If you encounter any issues during the sign-up process or while using the platform, don’t hesitate to reach out to Dealique’s customer support for assistance.

That’s it! You’re all set to embark on your Dealique journey. Sign up today and experience the convenience and security of online transactions like never before. Happy dealing!

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